Meet Victoria! She’s a student our local partner, Project Yesu, gave a scholarship to so she could achieve her lifelong Dream of becoming a lawyer. She reminds us that education changes absolutely everything, so we thought you might like to hear her story — in her own words.
Photo by our local partner, Project Yesu
Hello everyone,
My name is Victoria, and I’m 26 years old. I’m from a village called Musima in Uganda. This is my story showing how Project Yesu changed my life academically, socially, and healthwise. I’m currently a senior finishing my Bachelor of Laws in one of the best universities in Uganda.
Since I started school, I’ve worked so hard and always strived to perform better; at all grade levels, my school performance has been brilliant. Despite all the hardships I’ve gone through, including traveling long distances to attend school and never having lunch, I endured because I had a Dream to fulfill: to become a lawyer in Uganda.
So, with God’s mercy and grace, I did so well at my advanced secondary level that I was easily admitted into law school.
Unfortunately, although I had always worked so hard in school to become a lawyer, I saw my Dream shattered because my uncle did not have the money to pay my tuition.
When my uncle told me that he could not afford to pay my tuition, this was the worst moment, for sure. He could not afford my tuition because he takes care of a very big family of about 30 people; considering our large family depends on peasantry farming, there was literally not enough money to cater to all of our basic needs and tuition.
In fact, because we were unable to pay for tuition, I sat at home for a full year. But, as the saying goes that fortune knocks once at every man’s door, fortune indeed knocked at my door when Project Yesu came into my life.
When Project Yesu visited my village, they gave me a scholarship that paid my university tuition. Soon after, I enrolled in law school, and my lifetime Dream of becoming a lawyer became a reality.
Project Yesu has been a blessing and a golden opportunity in my life because it has offered me the gift of education. As I write this, I am finishing my Bachelors of Laws, and I will be graduating this year — all thanks to Project Yesu!
Besides helping me get an education, Project Yesu gives me great overall support. They provide me with medical and dental services. They also help my family and I with food; they give us a meal package containing rice, beans and posho during times of crisis, like the COVID-19 pandemic, and festive seasons, like the winter holiday season. My family and I are always grateful for Project Yesu; their support has changed my life.
Project Yesu has given me all the love that anyone could ask for, and they’ve brought me hope. To be honest, I had lost hope, but Project Yesu restored it when they came into my life.
I can’t talk enough about Project Yesu because they have transformed my life and improved my wellbeing. I just pray to the Almighty God to bless all its current and future works, projects, and programs.
With this, I would like to humbly and kindly ask YOU, the person reading this story, to give education and support Project Yesu. There are very many vulnerable children in the community who need your help to go to school and achieve their Dreams, just like me!
Yours affectionately,